Harvesting our giant lemongrass plant

It’s the end of October and we still haven’t had a frost yet. But it can’t be far off, and we need to harvest that lemongrass plant that is an arm length’s wide and almost as tall as me.

Today’s job.

Step one: dig it out. This job requires our shovel, not some little trowel. That’s one big rootball!

Step two: pull it apart, stalk by stalk. At one point we needed a handsaw to get the job done.

That’s a lot of stalks!

We got some nice chunks of root and some stalks with plenty of root attached, so I’ll try to grow some plants over the winter.

Step three: trim the stalks and clean off any soil. I’m not going to count how many we have.

Step four: decide what to do with them. Offer to friends and neighbors. Even to adults trailing little trick-or-treaters.

My food processor, unfortunately, is not turning lemongrass into lemongrass paste. So much for the recipes I found online. We’ll likely end up freezing chunks to flavor Instant Pot bone broth and soups.

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