The garden on July 4

Happy Independence Day! Love, love, love these crocosmia and the jolt of dazzling red it delivers throughout the flower beds.

The lavender just behind it is crazy happy too.

I tried last fall to shrink this clump that insists on falling over the front walkway but clearly I wasn’t aggressive enough. But I did create a few more red pops in the front flower bed and am thinking I could do more.

A project for this fall.

In the meantime, if you want to get to our front door, you need to brave the plants … and perhaps some bees.

The other big news: the first Sungold tomatoes of the year. The earliest ever!

sungold tomatoes

The two plants have grown like crazy and already are higher than the chicken-wire fencing. As long as the deer don’t attack!

What else is blooming?

The yellow coreopsis. Has the little bit of red-yellow coreopsis survived?


The rose campion hasn’t yet disappeared — yay.

Some yellow and some red day lilies. I’m hoping these grow into proper clumps. The Stella d’Oros that bloomed last month need to be moved out of the middle of the bed and to the outside so they are visible from the sidewalk.

And a few weeks ago:

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